Before your Lip Blush Tattoo service

Here are some pre-care tips that can help you prepare for your lip blush tattooing session:

  1. Hydrate your lips: Make sure your lips are well hydrated before the session. Drink plenty of water in the days leading up to the appointment.

  2. Exfoliate the week prior to your appointment. This can be as gentle as bi-card soda on a warm face washer.

  3. Use a lip ointment or cream for up to 1-2 weeks prior - we highly recommend using Nappy rash Bepanthen cream. You can get this in a small bottle from the supermarket or pharmacy. This will ensure your lips are well hydrated and smooth ready for tattooing!

  4. Avoid sun exposure: Avoid excessive sun exposure for at least a week prior to the session. Sunburned or damaged lips may not be suitable for the procedure.

  5. Avoid blood thinning medications: Avoid taking blood-thinning medications, such as aspirin, ibuprofen, and certain supplements, for at least 24 hours before the session. These medications can increase the risk of bleeding and bruising.

  6. Avoid alcohol and caffeine: Avoid alcohol and caffeine for at least 24 hours before the session as they can cause dehydration and make the skin more sensitive and hyper sensitive to bleeding.

  7. Avoid dental work: Avoid any dental work or procedures on the day of the appointment or the day before. This includes dental cleaning, fillings, and extractions.

  8. Avoid wearing makeup: Do not wear any makeup or lipstick on the day of the session.

  9. Consult with your artist: Before the session, consult with your artist and let them know if you have any allergies or medical conditions that may affect the procedure.

  10. IF you are prone to cold sores, go to the chemist and tell them you have a history of cold sores and feel a cold sore coming on. Ask for FAMVIR which is a single dose. You can also contact your doctor and get a script to start taking medication 3 days prior and after.

  11. Get a good night's sleep: Make sure you get a good night's sleep before the session so that you are well-rested and relaxed.

Remember, following these pre-care tips can help ensure a successful lip blush tattooing session and minimise any potential risks or complications.


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